About Journal

The journal for the History of Science (ISSN 1735-0573/ e-ISSN 2717-1965), founded in 2003, is open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute for the History of Science, University of Tehran. The journal aims to publish original academic research in the history of science, particularly the history of science in the medieval Islamic age. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, comments, and research notes on the history of science, in English and Persian. All submitted original research articles should not have been published elsewhere.


Country of publishing: Iran

Licensee: Institute for the History of Science, University of Tehran

Open access: Yes

peer-reviewed: Double-blind 

Creative Commons license:‎ BY-NC-ND

Frequency: semiannual

Print ISSN: 1735-0573

Online ISSN: 2717-1965

Journal Language: English/Persian with English abstract

Indexed: ISC (for more, see Indexing and Abstracting)

Impact coefficient (ISC): 0.074

Acceptance of articles: 34%

Previous access: Yes

Free submission and review: Yes

Free access to articles: Yes

Refereeing time: two months

Journal Email: jihs@ut.ac.ir