A Short Review of the Contents and Sources of Manuscript No. 3447 in National Library of Tabriz

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Institute for the History of Science, University of Tehran


Manuscript No. 3447 in National Library of Tabriz is a Persian treatise which covers arithmetic, geometry, algebra, hayʾa and the topic of “Masses and Distances. The redaction of the text has been finished in 670AH/1271AD but we don’t know anything about the author of the treatise. In the two first chapters of his treatise (on arithmetic) the unknown author draws upon ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Baghdādī’s al-Takmila fī ʿ Ilm al-isāb and in the third chapter (on geometry) upon Abū al-Wafā Būzjānī’s al-Manāzil al-Sābʿ. The 4th chapter, which is on algebra, is an elementary work and despite the advanced works on algebra by the Muslim scholars at that time this work does not go beyond the quadratic equations. In the “Conclusion” of the treatise the author adds some probleems under the title “Rare problems pertaining to each chapter”. Althouth this work doesn’t contain anything knew in mathematics, it is important from a historical point of view, as far as it marks a step in redaction of scientific works  in Persian language.


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