Classification of Plants in De Materia Medica (al-Ḥashāʾish) of Dioscorides

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Ensyclopeadia Islamica Foundation


Pedanius Dioscorides is a famous Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanist who lived in the first century AD, and is considered as one of the most influential authorities on Islamic pharmacology. He was the author of De Materia Medica (usually known as al-Ḥashāʾish in Islamic period), a five-volume Greek encyclopedia about herbal medicine and related medicinal substances, in the third volume, he studies the plants in a more systematic manner. He uses not only a qualitative classification, but also a biological one. He mentions close to each other plants with similar medicinal properties and biological forms. For example, he lists consecutively the members of Mentha (mint) genus and families such as Papilionaceae (bean family), Umbelliferae (celery family), Compositae (daisy family) and Solanacese (nightshades). These divisions correspond partly to biological classification in recent centuries.


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