Ptolemy’s Approach to Explain of the movements of the Planets in Latitude and its Physical Explanation

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Institute for the History of Science

2 Faculty Member/Institute of the History of Science/ University of Tehran


Ptolemy explains his planetary latitude hypothesis in the 13th book of Almagest and for the first time he forced to use inclined circles to explain the planetary movements in latitude. Before it, Ptolemy could explain all the anomalies of planetary movements with two dimensional models, but to explain the movements in latitude, they transform to three-dimensional objects. Although, in his another work, Planetary Hypotheses, Ptolemy considers the spheres to explain the movements of the planets but it seems that in this part of Almagest, due to the need of the hypothesis, he explains the solid orbs independently of Planetary Hypotheses.


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