Four Causes from Ibn Bājja View: Removaling the Duality in the Distinction between Aristotle's Matter and Form

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Associated Profm Iranian Institute of Philosophy

2 Iranian Institute for Humanities & Cultural Studies

3 Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. tehran. iran.


Ibn Bājja in relation to the four causes follows of Aristotle's theories, but he has used the logic and natural Shawq theory in explaining these causes. Ibn Bājja expressed the four causes in term of Genus & Season and considered all of these causes as Essential Predicates. He proceeds to speak about another shawq which This Shawq, from his point of view, is the “fifth Shawq” which refer to the “intellectual existence” and the “external existence”. This question ultimately leads to “form” and its dual meaning: External form & intellectual form, in which Ibn Bājja is influenced by Plato. Thus it became clear that Ibn Bājja believed in the dual concepts of the form that in the present paper would be discussed in detail. Ibn bajjah also believes that there are the dual concepts of the form in Aristotle's theories, But Aristotle did not directly refer to the “intelligible form”. According to the findings of this research, in Ibn bajjah's view, the reference to 'intelligible form' is quite obvious, which indicates he is influenced by Plato's thoughts


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