The Strong Argument for not Permitting Intercalary in Zoroastrianism (The legend of repeating every 120 years a month in Zoroastrian calendar)

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article



One of the most important and interesting topics in the field of Iranology and Iranian Studies is the calendar that has emerged from the beginning of the eighteenth century a considerable literature around it. There was much discussion about the Iranian calendar, and such topic as: The origins of the calendar and its impact accepting from the Egyptian calendar, as well as the developments and reforms that the Iranian calendar has undergone since the Achaemenid times until today; many times have been studied and researched from various angles. One of the most important discussions of the Iranian calendar was the existence or absence of a intercalation in it, as well as how to leap into it. To now, various opinions have been offered. And they often point to the existence of two years: a fixed year and rotation year in Iran and the process of one month leap in every 120 to 116 years. The present article is going to look at the subject of intercalary in the Iranian calendar with a different understanding of the concept of wihēzag in Iranian calendar.


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