Najm al-Dawla and Physics

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Institute For The History Of Science, University Of Tehran, P.O. Box : 13145-1836, Tehran, Iran

2 Tehran University


According to the role of ʿAbd al-Ghaffār Najm al-dawla in the introduction of modern sciences to Iran, we will know physics is one of the sciences that he has influenced on transition of it. ʿAbd al-Ghaffār had essays and tranlations in this field of study. Some of his works in physics are: Jarr-i Thaqῑl (translation from Poinsot), Takāfūʾ-i Quwā (statics), physics and chemistry and ʿilm-i bukhārāt. Until now we achieved two transcriptions of his works. First, the book ʾUṣūl-i ʿIlm-i Sitātῑk, which he translated into Persian on 1277 A.H. On the first page of this book he said: “the meaning of statics is ʿilmi muwāzinih-i ʾajsām”. The other book is physics that was written at request of Mukhbir al-dawla, minister of sciences and mines, on the 1293 A.H. for the use of public, not only for educated people. Najm al-dawla in this book expresses different concepts of modern physics in a simple word, and does not use numerical and parametric issues. These two books are transcripts and have not been published. Also a French printed book named Nouvelles Récréations Physiques et Mathématiques written by M.Guyot and is kept in Library, Museum and Document Center of Iran Parliament was at ʿAbd al-Ghaffārʼs disposal that may help us to have better perception. The purpose of this article is review and presentation of above books as a part of first works of modern physics in Iran and especially because of their relation to ʿAbd al-Ghaffār Najm al-dawla.


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