A Criticism of Current Narratives of the Scientific Revolution: under the pretext of publishing the Persian translation of The Birth of New Physics written by Bernard Cohen

Document Type : Short Paper


University of Tehran


It can be said that the main events in the scientific developments of the 17th century took place in the two fields of astronomy and physics, and then spread to other scientific fields. The Birth of the New Physics briefly addresses the most radical scientific developments of that century, and for this purpose, focuses on only two of these crucial scientific fields. This book contains many historiographical points and many topics, which shows the influence of the specialized literature of historiography of science in the 20th century. In the middle of the 20th century, Koyre made fundamental changes in the historiography of the scientific revolution, and his works became the basis for subsequent studies and research, which led to many modifications and corrections.
The translation of a book in the field of history of science by one of the veteran professors of this field is enough to be happy about, especially when the translator himself is a member of the language academy and one of the great scholars in the knowledge of Persian, There is no doubt that we are dealing with a unique and readable translation. Despite the abundance of history of science books translated or written in the field of the history of the scientific revolution, the void of such a book was strongly felt. Because what is translated is usually either very general and does not go into the necessary details, or does not have enough precision, or is not a good translation. The translator has not only translated an essential book into Farsi, but also provided a smooth, accurate, and reliable translation.
